Espana part one - via telefono
Reissusta ollaan pikkuhiljaa palauduttu arjen aherruksen pariin juuri ajallaan ennen halloweenia, ja tässä seuraa jälkimainingeissa tuttuun tapaan katsaus viimeisestä 1,5 viikosta! Aloitetaan puhelimeen tallentuneilla otoksilla. Ps, kuvat saattavat ajoittain tulla hieman random järjestyksessä mutta pitäisivät olla jotakuinkin missä pitääkin :) selitykset Englanniksi tällä kertaa. Tapaamisiin taas, laitan ainakin järkkärikuvia tänne myöhemmin ja luvassa myös kauneuspostaus affiliate-tiimoilta viikonlopun aikana.
//back home again after an somewhat amazing and relaxing trip to Spain, just in time for halloween. Like before, I add the pictures in afterwards, since I like it this way and instead enjoy the trip whilst there. Let's start with pictures from my phone as the headline suggests, and continue with the camera pictures. Some of these images may appear in random order, apologies about that. Coming up this weekend is also a beauty affiliate post, so stay tuned.
Left: Bye cold Finland for now, and hello to the warmer destination :) It was crazy btw how much colder it has become in Finland while we were away, it is like winter for me here right now... wanna go back to Spain, or maybe just find a thick coat from the closet...
Right: Sunset from the plane window on our outward journey
Left: Exploring Spain with the car is always nicer than staying at the same place all the time!
Right: Entering the connecting flight in London, and heading off to Alicante.
Left & right : this guy is guarding the Zenia Boulevard shopping centre entrance, where we headed the first day. Love this outside - mall - shopping village; you find everything there, as well as a good variety of all kinds of restaurants ( such as an argentinian grill place and Foster's Hollywood - burger place)
Left & right: more from Zenia. Found a oversized grey vest from Stradivarius, a checked jersey shirt from Lefties, and a black top from Primark. Some pics of those I'll post later on :)
Left & right: gotta love sunny, cloudless and lazy beach days. It is not always a guarantee that the sun is shining when traveling to Spain this late in the fall, however warmth is always a guarantee.
Left & right: uhm, when it gets boring you can always build sand 'castles'...! That is tested now and it works... :)
Left & right : Vela beach restaurant in Torrevieja, Costa Blanca. You won't be disappointed with the food, especially my warmest recommendations to test the paella and pizza (and sangria!) there. Plus, you always get that delicious tomato salsa & allioli sauce on the house...
Left & right: It is nice to walk home and admire these lovely views!
Left & right: More exploring by car, here in Alcoi and other small villages and a bit bigger cities in the mountain areas of Spain. More pictures of these coming up, they're all on my 'big' camera :)
Left & right: on our way back from the round trip. This was such a charming little family owned, traditional Spanish home food restaurant. The atmosphere and service was excellent, loved that little open fire oven at the back of it. I also got to practice more of my Spanish language skills :)
Left & right: a slightly cloudier day last weekend, went for a run by the cliffs and around to the city centre.
Left & right : dinner outfit and dinner. The thing on the plate looks exactly like an fried egg, but in reality it is just the starter at the indian restaurant with the sauces and crispy naan.
Left & right: dinner after drinks at the same indian restaurant. Before heading off to sing karaoke...
Me and my sister on our way for dinner one night!
(I'm wearing a suede playsuit from Miss Selfridge and the jacket is from Brick Lane, London)
Asian/chinese restaurant. So much food and so much wine - and so affordable!
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